Published in the Ellsworth American 3/25/21
NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE MAINE WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION Please take note that, pursuant to 38 MRSA, Sections 413 and 414-A, American Aquafarms, of 68 Commercial Street, Portland, ME 04101, intends to file a wastewater discharge permit application with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The application is for the discharge of 90 m per sec of circulated bay water through a closed pen aquaculture facility located north of Bald Rock, taken from and returned back into Frenchman Bay in Gouldsboro, Maine. The application will be filed on or about April 15, 2021 and will be available for public inspection at DEP’s Augusta office during normal business hours. A copy may also be seen at the municipal offices in Gouldsboro. A request for a public hearing or request that the Board of Environmental Protection assume jurisdiction over this application must be received by the DEP, in writing, no later than 20 days after the application is found acceptable for processing, or 30 days from the date of this notice, whichever is longer. Requests shall state the nature of the issue(s) to be raised. Unless otherwise provided by law, a hearing is discretionary and may be held if the Commissioner or the Board finds significant public interest or there is conflicting technical information. During the time specified above, persons wishing to receive copies of draft permits and supporting documents, when available, may request them from DEP. Persons receiving a draft permit shall have 30 days in which to submit comments or to request a public hearing on the draft. Public comment will be accepted until a final administrative action is taken to approve, approve with conditions or deny this application. Written public comments or requests for information may be made to the Division of Water Resource Regulation, Department of Environmental Protection, State House Station #17, Augusta, Maine 04333. Telephone (207) 287-3901.