There is nothing simple about this. We include in this blog post links to important documents that are difficult to find elsewhere.
1.An emergency piece of legislation,LD #1400 was submitted April 11 of 2017 to the Maine State Legislature to Authorize a Port Authority for Bar Harbor. This is the vehicle to raise bond money to finance a cruise ship pier. Because of the public outcry against this legislation, the bill was tabled until 2018.
Please visit and sign the petition asking the Maine Legislature not to authorize a Port Authority for Bar Harbor. Read the many heartfelt comments in the “join the conversation” section.
2. The Bar Harbor Planning Board was directed to write zoning amendments for the ferry terminal site- this became Article #12 of the June 2017 Bar Harbor Town Warrant. Article #12 makes this site a Maritime Activities District, with no limits on the length of a pier. Click here for Article #12
3. In response to Article #12, 10 citizens in Bar Harbor wrote and gathered signatures for Article #13, which did not conflict with Article #12, but put the number of cruise ship visitors (landing cap) and the length of boats that could berth at a pier in the hands of Bar Harbor voters. Click here for Article #13
4. MASTER PLAN? In November 2016 a 3 year lease to purchase agreement signed between Canada and the State of Maine (Maine Dept. of Transportation- MDOT) made it clear that the MDOT was intent on a large infrastructure project at this site. In February 2017 MDOT purchased the site, shortly after the purchase, a purchase and sale agreement was negotiated between the Town of Bar Harbor and MDOT. When Article #13 was put on the Bar Harbor Ballot by the citizens, MDOT added wording to the purchase and sale agreement stipulating that if Article #13 passed, the purchase and sale would be void. The purchase and sale also included wording that if the State is not satisfied with the Maritime Transportation Use in 5 years, the State can take the site back. This was signed by BH, even after warnings by the Town Attorney about the forfeiture language. Click here for option to purchase, go to page 128 (look for handwritten VII C in upper right of document ).